Rights: Croesus Retail Trust, ARA Asset Management

Friday, 11 December 2015 23:25
Posted by owq 0 comments
I've only started investing recently and I already kanna 2 rights issue.


The new acquisition is barely yield accretive  but I like the fact that it has potential for AEI. Japan interest rate is likely to remain low and although they devalued their currency recently, I believe it will get stronger. Not counting on rental reversions too much unlike the China retail trusts though.


A surprise rights issue, probably to strengthen balance sheet and fund their acquisitions in China and Down Under. Didn't really count, but they probably reached their 2B per year goal for this year. Will they reach their 40B goal soon? We'll see... Hoping to get my excess rights and especially, please help me round off my odd lots. Haha.